How to Get Ancient Technology Points in World of Warcraft

How to Get Ancient Technology Points in World of Warcraft

Palworld contains many advanced items and structures that require Ancient Technology Points to access. From egg incubators to Grapple Guns, these advanced pieces will help you build an expansive base and face tougher opponents with greater ease.

Rare resources such as gold are typically acquired through killing bosses, however thanks to a new update introduced an easy method for gathering these essential resources.

Defeating Tower Bosses

Reducing or capturing tower bosses in Palworld rewards players with Ancient Technology Points, which can unlock recipes in the Technology tree to obtain advanced devices like Egg Incubators and Grapple Guns.

Zoe and Grizzbolt may appear straightforward, but the fifth pair, Lily and Lyleen, require more gear and skill to overcome. Anyone planning on taking on Lily and Lyleen should come fully leveled (plus or minus several levels depending on difficulty), equipped with pals that effectively counter their damage types, and with properly repaired equipment.

Leave defense towers up during battle will yield increasingly better loot rewards, so we recommend selecting a team consisting of Rooby, Kelpsea Ignis, and Vanwyrm for their mobility, attack speed and lifesteal capabilities. However, defeating Flame Leviathan requires more than just team effort - all four towers must remain up in order to defeat it without it soft resetting.

Defeating Alpha Pals

Alpha Pals can be found all around the world map and present players with an incredible challenge of capture. When defeated and captured, each Alpha Pal rewards one Ancient Technology Point along with having a chance of dropping Legendary Schematics!

Further, Ancient Technology Points can be earned by defeating Syndicate Tower Bosses and completing Cave Raids. Doing so will unlock recipes like Grappling Gun and Pal Essence Condenser as you defeat these bosses.

Be wary, however, as the Syndicate Tower Bosses can be significantly harder than their Alpha Pal counterparts to defeat; these grey icons on your map require at least level 25 in order to take down. Once defeated, returning the following day won't yield another Ancient Technology Point; so it is best to tackle them when first discovered.

Defeating Syndicate Tower Bosses

The Rayne Syndicate Tower is one of the initial challenges in Palworld that will test your survival abilities. Situated northwest of the Plateau of Beginnings starting point, this boss battle pits you against Zoey and her dual-type Pal Grizzbolt in a fight that requires level 45 or above equipment and a team capable of dealing massive damage.

Failing to defeat Rayne Syndicate Tower boss will award you with five Ancient Technology points, which are necessary to unlocking all recipes within the Technology tree - and will open access to some nifty weapons and base-building tools. While crafting recipes are usually unlocked through experience, Technology recipes require hard-earned Ancient Technology Points which can be earned in several ways, including by completing Towers or running random-generated dungeons; although killing Alpha Pal bosses provides more reliable access.

Defeating Alpha Bosses

Palworld players can unlock all manner of tools, base structures and weapons using the Ancient Technology skill tree. Earning enough points to access everything on this mysterious skill tree requires perseverance, dedication and lots of hard work - it won't happen overnight!

Alpha Bosses can help you gain points faster by defeating them - these larger Pals will appear on your map with red icons to indicate when you encounter one, and when defeated or caught will award one point each time! They can be found all around the world and each victory over one will provide another bonus point!

Gumoss is an ideal starting point as one of the lowest level Alpha Bosses (along with Sweepa and Chillet). He can easily be found patrolling southwest from Sea Breeze Archipelago Church Great Eagle Statue; bring along either fire or grass Pals to help damage him quickly!

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